We have tried to support many firms so far. We have realized that the hardest issue for a firm is to express itself correctly to a populace that the firm is addressing to. When we have decided to write “about us” part for our company which has served since 2000, we have understood that it is not as easy as we think. We know that the white papers on a web site are read at last but apart is necessary which advertises and presents the materials of a firm. And of course, that part has to give the necessary information in a short and clear way. Shortly, for our factory, we can say that high-quality frames are produced in our specialized frame workshop in Turkey/Ankara. When you get to know our frame factory, you can understand that we are different from the other factories in other provinces. We are pretty aware of being different. We are in production, sales, and marketing services for a long time and it is pretty enough to know that being different is not calling ourselves in introductory texts or slogans “We are different” It has to be seen in our goods and services.